We need your support to see a world
without terrorism and armed conflict
By implementing an innovative approach, we are determined to tackle the issues of conflict and violent extremism. In order to carry out our mission, your kind support is absolutely necessary.
We are deeply thankful for your donation.
Donation with USD

Your monthly donation is essential to us. When you set up your monthly program, you become part of the work we do to support the most vulnerable and at-risk.

Accept International partners with Myriad USA. The donation is regarded as a tax-deductible expense through Myriad USA, and the receipt will be issued by Every.org.

Yosuke Nagai
Executive Director,
NGO Accept International
Empowering Everyone as Agents of Peace,
Together We will Break the Chain of Violence.
In conflict zones such as Somalia and Yemen, youth are often forced to join non-state armed groups due to extremist indoctrination, hatred of the loss of relatives and friends, and economic hardships.
Even if they leave non-state armed groups, they are not accepted by their community, and a number of youths suffer from the exclusion and continue to fight. There exists an interminable chain of violence.
We believe our approaches lead to a solution to armed conflict and violent extremism. Our pride resides in believing in the potential of each individual and creating proactive solutions for sustainable peace.
Since 2011, we have tackled severe issues that have been left behind and forged new paths where there were none.
Our impact has reached a lot of people, and they have started their lives over through this initiative from Japan.
disengaged combatants benefited from rehabilitation programs
disengaged combatants reintegrated into community successfully
people in the vulnerable communities received humanitarian support
youths prevented from radicalization
If you support us for one year
at 10 USD per monthVocational training, such as carpentry, can be provided to two youths disengaged from non-state armed groups for a month.
If you support us for one year
at 20 USD per monthWe can promote de-mobilization of youth associated with non-state armed groups by distributing approximately 1,200 copies of leaflet.
If you support us for one year
at 30 USD per monthWe can provide one-month basic education, including literacy, to 15 youths who were forced to engage in violent extremism.
Other Donation Channels
Switzerland / Belgium /
United KingdomTGE is our partnership foundation that facilitates tax-efficient cross-border donations within Europe. It provides you with a receipt and tax relief.
Via Benevity
If your company is already registered on Benevity, you can make a donation as a part of your company’s philanthropy programs.
( Identifier: 5767809231845_2a1e ) -
Bank Transfer
You can transfer your desired donation amount to our bank account below. To ensure we keep track of donations, please send us an email to support [at] accept-int.org to notify your donation with your name, email address, and donation amount.
Click to see the information
of our bank account